in the Seeaugenpraxis of Dr. med. Aristeidis Psychias

The eyes are the most important human sensory organ and our gateway to the outside world. We use visual perception to orientate ourselves in our surroundings, recognize the people around us and enjoy the beauties of nature. How valuable eyesight is and how much we depend on it in everyday life is something that many people only realize when their eyesight begins to deteriorate and problems arise.

Glaucoma, macular degeneration or retinal detachment can lead to blindness if not treated in time. In order to keep your eyes healthy, we therefore offer you a comprehensive range of ophthalmological examination and treatment methods for adults and children, including surgical interventions and laser treatments of all kinds.

Don't wait too long to see an ophthalmologist

The saying "prevention is better than cure" sums up our philosophy.

The saying "prevention is better than cure" sums up our philosophy. Early detection plays an important role in the successful treatment of various eye diseases. For example, we recommend periodic measurements of eye pressure from the age of 40 in order to recognize the development of glaucoma in good time and to be able to initiate appropriate treatment measures.

Timely intervention is also crucial in the case of keratoconus, the onset of retinal detachment or age-related macular degeneration, as well as some types of conjunctivitis in order to avoid serious consequences.

At the same time, our practice is very personal and warm. We take our patients seriously and explain diagnoses and possible therapies in such a way that they can understand them well. We want our patients to be highly satisfied with our services during and after treatment.

At the forefront of medical technology

Our eye practice is a newly built, highly modern center for ophthalmology, in which we offer you a comprehensive range of ophthalmological treatments. From the diagnosis to the surgical intervention, we look after our patients under the best possible conditions. In addition to the premises and the technical equipment, our doctors are the main contributors to this.

Our wide range of diagnostic and treatment options always correspond to the current scientific status. With the most modern technical devices, we carry out, for example, in addition to the classic visual field examination, if necessary, tomography of the cornea, ophthalmoscopes or optical coherence tomography (OCT). Refractive surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, retinal surgery, strabismus surgery and laser therapy are just as much a part of our repertoire as surgery for drooping eyelids and skin tumors and the treatment of age-related macular degeneration using injections.

Professional competence in a pleasant atmosphere

We know that eye diseases or even surgical interventions are often associated with fears in patients. Our friendly treatment team will therefore do everything to ensure that you feel that you are in good hands with us and can relax. You can – in the truest sense of the word – rely blindly on our expertise and experience.

We are a team of specialists. Equipment can be compared with the competences of a university hospital. We support our patients in various specialist areas as an innovative team with many years of practical experience. The latest ophthalmology in all insurance classes is our obligation, and our goal is individual, long-term care from our motivated team.

Many years of experience and continuous training. Comprehensible words and well-founded diagnoses. Holistic approach and sustainable results. The Seeaugenarztpraxis stands for all of this. We always strive to provide you with the best possible professional and personal support.

We are always available for you in Horgen. Simply contact us and make an appointment – your eyes are in good hands with us!


The eyes are the most important human sensory organ and our gateway to the outside world. We use visual perception to orientate ourselves in our surroundings, recognize the people around us and enjoy the beauties of nature. How valuable eyesight is and how much we depend on it in everyday life is something that many people only realize when their eyesight begins to deteriorate and problems arise.

Glaucoma, macular degeneration or retinal detachment can lead to blindness if not treated in time. In order to keep your eyes healthy, we therefore offer you a comprehensive range of ophthalmological examination and treatment methods for adults and children, including surgical interventions and laser treatments of all kinds.

Prevention is better than cure

Early detection plays an important role in the successful treatment of various eye diseases.

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At the forefront of medical technology

Our eye practice is a newly built, highly modern center for ophthalmology, in which we offer you a comprehensive range of ophthalmological treatments.

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Professional competence in a pleasant atmosphere

We are a team of specialists. Equipment can be compared with the competences of a university hospital.

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Special consultation hours for special problems -
our offer for young and everyone!

Our practice focuses on pediatric ophthalmology and the treatment of strabismus in adults.

  • Babies (from birth), children and adolescents
  • Examination of all age groups
  • Care and treatment for all pediatric ophthalmological diseases, including complex issues and systemic diseases
  • Determination of visual acuity, objective determination of refraction and provision of glasses
  • Long-term care of neuro-ophthalmological diseases
  • Pre- and post-operative care and follow-up checks for neurological diseases affecting the visual pathway
  • Clarification of unclear visual disturbances
  • Visual impairment
  • Strabismus (Strabology)
  • Neuro-ophthalmology

Don't wait too long to see an ophthalmologist

Take visual impairments seriously

Even a harmless visual impairment affects you in everyday life. It can be really dangerous if you can no longer see the signs well in traffic.

During an eye test in the eye practice at the lake, we determine the degree of your short-sightedness or long-sightedness so that you can have the appropriate visual aids made. At the same time, to be on the safe side, we also clarify whether your vision problems do not have other, more serious causes.

In addition to our specialty, our expertise also lies in the conservative and surgical treatment of all other eye diseases, including:

  • Changes in the eyelids
  • Dry eye
  • Bleeding Eye
  • Changes in the conjunctiva
  • Changes in the cornea
  • Care for AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and other macular diseases
  • Care for retinal diseases
  • Care for vitreous changes
  • Glasses adjustments
  • Refractive surgery
  • Driving aptitude tests
  • Second opinions
  • Broad operational spectrum
  • Inflammation associated with the choroid (uveitis)

In the Seeaugenarztpraxis you can expect a range of the most modern eye diagnostics. We take the time and responsibility to take every patient seriously.

We are looking forward to your visit.

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Nicht zu lange warten bis zum Augenarzt

Das Sprichwort “Vorbeugen ist besser als heilen” bringt unsere Philosophie auf den Punkt.

Für die erfolgreiche Behandlung von Augenerkrankungen spielt Früherkennung eine wesentliche Rolle. So empfehlen wir beispielsweise schon ab einem Alter von 40 Jahren die periodische Messung des Augendrucks, um die Entwicklung von grünem Star rechtzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechende Behandlungsmassnahmen einleiten zu können.

Auch beim Keratokonus, einer beginnenden Netzhautablösung oder altersabhängige  Makuladegeneration, sowie manchen Arten der Bindehautentzündung ist ein zeitnahes Eingreifen entscheidend, um schwerwiegende Konsequenzen zu vermeiden.

Gleichzeitig  geht es in unserer Praxis sehr persönlich und herzlich zu. Wir nehmen unsere Patienten ernst und erklären Diagnosen und mögliche Therapien so, dass sie diese gut nachvollziehen können. Wir wollen, dass unsere Patienten während und nach der Behandlung hoch zufrieden mit unseren Leistungen sind – und dafür geben wir unser Bestes.

Auf der Spitze der Medizintechnik

Unsere Augenpraxis ist ein neu erbautes, hoch modernes Zentrum der Augenheilkunde, in dem wir Ihnen ein umfassendes augenärztliches Behandlungsspektrum anbieten. Von der Diagnose bis zum operativen Eingriff betreuen wir unsere Patienten unter den bestmöglichen Bedingungen. Dazu tragen neben den Räumlichkeiten und der technischen Ausstattung an erster Stelle unsere Ärzte bei.

Unsere breite Palette an Diagnose- und Behandlungsangeboten entsprechen immer dem aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Stand. Mit modernsten technischen Geräten führen wir zum Beispiel, neben der klassischen Gesichtsfelduntersuchung bei Bedarf auch Schichtaufnahmen der Hornhaut, Augenspiegelungen oder Optische Kohärenztomografien (OCT) durch. Refraktive Chirurgie, Katarakt-Chirurgie, Glaukom-Chirurgie, Netzhaut-Chirurgie, Schielen-Chirurgie  und Lasertherapie gehören ebenso zu unserem Repertoire wie die Operation von Schlupflidern und Hauttumoren sowie die Behandlung altersbedingter Makuladegeneration mithilfe von Injektionen.

Fachliche Kompetenz in angenehmer Atmosphäre

Wir wissen, dass Augenerkrankungen oder gar operative Eingriffe bei Patienten oft mit Ängsten verbunden sind. Unser freundliches Behandlungsteam setzt deshalb alles daran, dass Sie sich bei uns gut aufgehoben fühlen und entspannen können. Auf unsere Fachkenntnis und unsere Erfahrung dürfen Sie sich – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – blind verlassen.

Unser Team aus hochqualifizierten Spezialisten bietet Ihnen eine Praxisausstattung auf dem Niveau einer Universitätsklinik. Wir decken eine Vielzahl von Spezialgebieten ab und stehen unseren Patienten mit innovativen Lösungen und langjähriger Erfahrung zur Seite. Unsere moderne Augenheilkunde ist für Patienten aller Versicherungsklassen zugänglich.

Wir sind in Horgen jederzeit für Sie erreichbar. Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt mit uns auf und vereinbaren Sie einen Termin – Ihre Augen sind bei uns in guten Händen!

Don’t wait too long to see an ophthalmologist

The saying “prevention is better than cure” sums up our philosophy.

The saying “prevention is better than cure” sums up our philosophy. Early detection plays an important role in the successful treatment of various eye diseases. For example, we recommend periodic measurements of eye pressure from the age of 40 in order to recognize the development of glaucoma in good time and to be able to initiate appropriate treatment measures.

Timely intervention is also crucial in the case of keratoconus, the onset of retinal detachment or age-related macular degeneration, as well as some types of conjunctivitis in order to avoid serious consequences.

At the same time, our practice is very personal and warm. We take our patients seriously and explain diagnoses and possible therapies in such a way that they can understand them well. We want our patients to be highly satisfied with our services during and after treatment.

Tanja Schmückle Meier


Seit Feb 2024 Teilzeitpensum Seeaugenpraxis Horgen
1998-heute breites Erfahrungsspektrum mit Patienten aller Altersgruppen durch orthoptische, wissenschaftliche sowie administrative Tätigkeiten und Weiterbildungen in verschiedenen Augenarztpraxen in den Kantonen Zug und Zürich sowie am Universitätsspital Zürich
1995-1998 Ausbildung zur Orthoptistin am Kantonsspital St. Gallen
1994 Abitur in München