Dr. med. Aristeidis Psychias

Specialist in ophthalmology FMH
spec. Ophthalmic surgery

Our practice

Our eye practice is a newly built, highly modern center for ophthalmology, in which we offer you a comprehensive range of ophthalmological treatments. From diagnosis to surgery, we care for our patients under the best possible conditions. In addition to the premises and technical equipment, our doctors play a major role in this.

Our wide range of diagnostic and treatment options always correspond to the current scientific status. With the most modern technical devices, we carry out, for example, in addition to the classic visual field examination, if necessary, tomography of the cornea, ophthalmoscopes or optical coherence tomography (OCT). Refractive surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, retinal surgery, strabismus surgery and laser therapy are just as much a part of our repertoire as surgery for drooping eyelids and skin tumors and the treatment of age-related macular degeneration using injections.


Our team of highly qualified specialists offers you practice equipment on a par with that of a university clinic. We cover a wide range of specialities and support our patients with innovative solutions and many years of experience; Our modern ophthalmology is accessible to patients of all insurance classes;

Thomais Tragaki

Practice Manager

Languages: GE, EN, FR, GR

Languages: DE, EN

Myrto Psychias

Practice helper

Languages: CH-GE, EN, FR, GR

Dolkey Khongta

Practice helper

DE, EN, BO (Tibetan), ZH (Chinese)

Don't wait too long to see an ophthalmologist

Dr. med. Aristeidis Psychias

Facharzt für Ophthalmologie FMH
spez. Ophthalmochirurgie


1984-1990 Medizinstudium an der Medizinischen Fakultät Universität Athen.
25.07.1990 erfolgreiches Staatsexamen / Medizin Diplom.
1992-1996 Augenarzt-Ausbildung in der Universitäts-Augenklinik Köln.
11.12.1996 Facharztprüfung bestanden
24.11.1998 Promotion-Prüfung bestanden.

Doctorarbeitsthema: Netzhautischämie als Risikofaktor für das neovaskuläre Sekundärglaukom und klinische Konsequenzen, unter Professor K.U. Bartz-Schmidt.

Dafür hat er einen Ehrenbrief von Prof. B. Machemer bekommen.


1996-1997 Spezielle Ausbildung und Oberarzt in der Abteilung für Schielbehandlung und Neuroophthalmologie der Universitäts-Augenklinik Köln.
1998 Sehschul verantwortlicher Oberarzt in St Martinus Krankenhaus in Düsseldorf Abt. Augenheilkunde.
2008-2012 Lektor in Athener Universität.
1999-2012 Niedergelassener Augenarzt in Athen mit sehr große operative Erfahrung und Spezialisierung in der Refraktive Chirurgie (inklusiv Femtosekunde Laser Operationen).

Leitender Oberarzt der Glaukom Abteilung im “Ygeia„ Krankenhaus. Leiter der Sehschule in der 2. Universitätsklinik der Athener Universität.
2012-2016 Oberarzt der Klinik Pallas in Olten, leitender Arzt der Strabologie der neuen Standorte (Aarau, Bern, Zürich, Langenthal, Winterthur und teils Olten)
2016-2019 Chefarzt im Augenzentrum Zürich im Glattzentrum
2019-2022 Partner der Augenpraxis Heal in Zug.
01.12.22 Gründung der Seeaugenpraxis in Horgen


  • Mitglied der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft. Internationales Mitglied der American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • Vertreter der International Orthoptik Assoziation in Griechenland für das Jahr 2011.

Herr Dr. med. Aristeidis Psychias hat über längere Zeit in Forschungsprojekten und in internationalen Kongressen als Referent teilgenommen. Nebenbei publizierte er in internationalen Zeitschriften.

Tanja Schmückle Meier


Seit Feb 2024 Teilzeitpensum Seeaugenpraxis Horgen
1998-heute breites Erfahrungsspektrum mit Patienten aller Altersgruppen durch orthoptische, wissenschaftliche sowie administrative Tätigkeiten und Weiterbildungen in verschiedenen Augenarztpraxen in den Kantonen Zug und Zürich sowie am Universitätsspital Zürich
1995-1998 Ausbildung zur Orthoptistin am Kantonsspital St. Gallen
1994 Abitur in München

Dr. med. Aristeidis Psychias

Specialist in Ophthalmology FMH
spec. ophthalmic surgery


1984-1990 Medical studies at the Medical Faculty of the University of Athens.
25.07.1990 Medical Diploma.
1992-1996 Ophthalmologist training at the Universitäts-Augenklinik in Cologne.
11.12.1996 Specialist examination passed
24.11.1998 Passed the doctoral examination.

Doctoral thesis topic: Retinal ischemia as a risk factor for neovascular secondary glaucoma and clinical consequences, supervised by Professor K.U. Bartz-Schmidt.

For this he received an honorary letter from Prof. B. Machemer

Work experience:

1996-1997 Special training and senior physician in the department for strabismus treatment and neuro-ophthalmology at the Universitäts-Augenklinik in Cologne.
1998 Senior Physician in charge of the Ophthalmology Department in St Martinus Hospital in Düsseldorf, department of ophthalmology.
2008-2012 Lecturer at Athens University.
1999-2012 Resident ophthalmologist in Athens with extensive operational experience and specialization in refractive surgery (including femtosecond laser operations).

Senior Physician of Glaucoma Department in “Ygeia” Hospital. Head of the School of Vision in the 2nd University Hospital in Athens University.
2012-2016 Senior Physician at the Pallas Clinic in Olten, Senior Physician in Strabology at various locations (Aarau, Bern, Zurich, Langenthal, Winterthur and partly in Olten)
2016-2019 Chief physician at the Zurich Eye Center in the Glattzentrum
2019-2022 Partner of the eye practice Heal in Zug.
01.12.22 Founder of the Seeaugenpraxis in Horgen


  • Member of the German Ophthalmological Society. International member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Internationales Mitglied der American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • Representative of the International Orthoptik Association in Greece for the year 2011.

Dr. med. Aristeidis Psychias has participated as a speaker in research projects and international congresses for a long time. He also published in international journals.